After a relaunch of the Solo gallery and a facelift for the phenomenally successful Story Centre, the busy craft room at the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre was in need of a quick boost so that its plain white walls and basic furniture did not let the side down. Our brief was to come up with a concept that made the room feel more like part of the core Museum and provided more storage. At the same time we should come up with a way of keeping visitors’ drawings off the walls and add a couple of new activities.

On a shoestring, we created the shed and the kitchen from Roald Dahl’s “George’s Marvellous Medicine”, complete with shelves full of lotions and potions, startled chickens, and a lanky beanpole Grandma, crashing through the ceiling en route to her full George-medicated height. Drawings are now pegged on clothes lines, and competition entries posted in the washing machine. The new layout more than trebled storage space. A stamping activity and voting activity add variety; voters write their comments on a plant tag and tie it on to a giant cloud.

The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre
The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre
The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre